Past Events from June 23, 2013 - April 7, 2013

Lancashire County Championships

Manchester Aquatic Centre 2 Booth Street East, Manchester , United Kingdom

Lancashire County Swim Championships Qualifying times required

ESSA 67th Inter Divisional Championships

Liverpool Aquatic Centre , United Kingdom

Swimmers are selected to represent their division for this event which is considered to be a National event. Congratulations to Harley Beentjes, Charlotte Nester and Hannah Sheehan who have been selected to represent division 7 which takes in the Greater Manchester area.

City of Sheffield Premier Open Meet

Ponds Forge Sheffield

Level 1 meet Qualifying meet for British Champs April 2017 CLOSING DATE 26TH FEB 2017 - Entries returned by 16th February 2017 for processing

British Swimming Championships

Ponds Forge Sheffield

Qualifying times required >>>> British_Swimming_Championships_2017__Qualifying_Times Schedule of events >>>>>>>>> 2017_British_Swimming_Championships_Schedule_v1

ASA Swim North West Regional Champs

Manchester Aquatic Centre 2 Booth Street East, Manchester , United Kingdom

15 years & over individual events 14 /16 years and 17 year and over 4* 100 freestyle relays

City of Manchester Open Meet 2017

Manchester Aquatic Centre 2 Booth Street East, Manchester , United Kingdom

Level 1 meet Aim to improve rankings for qualification to Summer Nationals Closing date 14th April 2017 entries returned for processing 7th April 2017

City of Cardiff International Meet

Cardiff International Pool Olympian Drive, Cardiff, United Kingdom

Level 1 Meet Aim to improve rankings for qualification for summer nationals Closing date for entries 24th April entries returned for processing 14th April 2017